Making some progress

Forms moved forward. 
This is all much more dramatic than it ought to be. 

Vegetable burritos are good - if you use goat cheese. Really anything is good if you use goat cheese.

There is a Ukrainian ballet troupe in the Netherlands. This week they are making their debut in the US. Someone named Alexei Ratmansky is "staging" (don't know what that means) "Giselle." He is Russian and Ukrainian and grew up in Kyiv (which we never type Kiev anymore) and likes working with the Ukrainian dancers as a mission to show Ukrainians are "fighting on all fields including cultural." Giselle is a ghost story. He also created the ballet "Wartime Elegy" set to music by a contemporary Ukrainian composer and Ukrainian folk music. 

Crazy thing. There are loads of reports from news outlets I've never heard of - and therefore you should not believe this and I don't - that Putin is bringing a bunch of strippers and pole dancers to the front to cheer up the soldiers. 

The International Olympic Committee on Tuesday rejected a Russian demand that its athletes be treated the same as those of other countries, in a growing row over participation in the 2024 Paris Games.

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