Flower Friday. : : Grevillea

Things were calm in the neighborhood today. There was no sign of big trucks, PG&E or otherwise, no beeping earthmovers or moving houses. (Which fetched across the creek from Cindy’s on the ‘difficult’ neighbor’s property…she is not pleased)

We had coffee with the group this morning and on the spur of the moment when only Gail was still there I invited her and Bob (is that grammatically correct? Sounds wrong) to share our three day Provençal stew with us tonight.

I’ve spent a considerable amount of time trying to figure out how to return a Navy pea coat which I ordered in size S and which arrived in size X-LARGE. I cannot just wear it anyway, I am engulfed by it! The directions for returning appear on the website but I never made it past the part that said enter order number which appears on the mailing label. I dutifully entered it and was informed that there was no record of that order number. I called customer service which asked me to ‘stand down ‘ until a rep could help me. I stood down for about 15 minutes at which point I was told to leave a message and they would call back. They didn’t. Or at least I didn’t recognize a Jacksonville Florida number and didn’t answer.

I called back this morning, and somebody named Vicky, who was in Texas, told me the same order number I gave her wasn’t valid. Turns out the number that is labeled ORDER NUMBER isn’t. It’s another number labeled PPO. Oh well then, that clears things up. I’m to send a picture of the garment and any tags to the address she gave me, and she will send me a shipping label. I did that and am told that it is not a valid shipping address. I think I’ll just give it to the homeless shelter and forget it!

Note to self: DO NOT order clothes online!

I’ve photographed this grevillea many times before because this particular species (a hybrid called ‘peaches and cream’) fascinates me. It blooms almost year round, although all but the most protected blooms have not survived all the January rain and wind. I really like the iPhone portrait feature set on ‘stage light’ for flowers. Thanks as always to Biker Bear for hosting the challenge singlehanded for many years….

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