The Flotta Flair

Luckily the wind had fairly died back to a flat clam.  We joined the Flotta Lass at Houton at 7.10 pm, being surprised that Mark Morrison was a member of the crew.  A gentle passage to Lyness where more hardy folk were picked up.  The next leg of the passage took us across to Flotta for the final Burns Supper of the Season.  All disembarked revelers were ferried up to the hall by a posse of drivers.  The Flotta folk (island population of 70) were very welcoming.  It was their first dance for three years and it was good to see it so well supported with a cast of familiar (some over so) faces.  In the final dance of the night there was an age gap of ninety years between the youngest (Russell) six and Marina (96) on the dance floor.  Many folk were there to check out the Gablos, and how their dance music would spin out.  No-one was disappointed.  The supper was superb. Dancing was nae reel.  I cowped a large glass of water all over Florence’s new outfit.  The dancing was staggering and I’m glad I left my nutcracker at home.

On the return leg we landed back home at Houton at 02.15 a.m. 

The Current Mrs Creel informs me l am going dancing tonight in  the St Magnus Centre.

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