Everyday photography

If we take photographs every day, we have the chance to experiment and make mistakes. We learn more because we try different things and we're able to see what works. Like everything else it's good to practice every day... On the way home I saw the dandelions and they looked like little lights in the sun. This picture isn't my best photo but I thought it was interesting.

Os dyn ni'n tynnu lluniau bob dydd, mae siawns gyda ni arbrofi a gwneud camgymeriadau. Dyn ni'n dysgu mwy achos dyn ni'n trio pethau gwahanol a dyn ni'n gallu gweld beth sy'n gweithio. Fel popeth arall mae'n dda i ymarfer bob dydd. Ar y ffordd adre gwelais i Ddant Y Llew, ac edrychon nhw fel goleuadau bach yn yr haul. Dydy'r llun hon ddim fy llun gorau ond ro'n i'n meddwl ei fod e'n ddiddorol.

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