
New word number 2.

The estate on which I live is used quite frequently for filming. I was approached last week by the location scout from Midsomer Murders, as he thought my cottage would be perfect for a forthcoming episode.

I am not a tidy person, so when the director turned up half an hour before the agreed time to view my cottage I was a little twitchy. The kitchen and living room didn't look too bad, but it never occurred to me that he would want to look upstairs!!

I called up to him, "It can be made tidier." while frantically wondering if there was any underwear lying on the bathroom floor.

"Don't worry." he called back, "It's very filmic."

So there, my home is not untidy, it's FILMIC.

Right down to the bunch of wild flowers on the table!!!

I'm not sure they will be using the interior as it doesn't quite fit their spec, but it is likely they will use the outside.
"Don't cut the grass" he said. "We want the outside to look filmic too!!

The plot includes an eccentric old woman who makes herbal potions from plants growing in the woods -
Sound like they've found the right person for the part, as well as the right location....

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