Not Exactly ...

... Silly Saturday!!

But my Silly Saturday entry can be found in the Extras!  Silly Kiera sporting a Santa toy on her head!  If you haven't already posted anything for Silly Saturday it's not too late.  I will start going through the entries today (Sunday) and will post my results later this coming week.  Please tag your entries SilS331, SilSFeb2023 or Silly Saturday.  Thanks!

Most of my Silly Saturday plans fell through today so I'm posting this red fox picture that I took earlier in the day instead.  Maybe next time I'll have better luck with my ideas!  

My apologies for the distracting background in this photo.  He/she was sitting framed by the arbor in the back yard.  Today instead of grabbing the 600 mm lens like Thursday I put the 300 mm lens on the camera before trying for some shots.  This lens is not only lighter but I'm more familiar with it so the pictures are actually in focus!  The down side is this lens is a DX and the photos are not full frame ... making cropping interesting.  

Thanks to Skeena for continuing the Mono Month Challenge into it's 9th year!  Please forgive me the little bit of color here!  Best viewed in large.

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