My Nana turned 89 today. Two and a half years ago, I wouldn't have believed that we'd still have my gorgeous Nana with us still. Until then, she was living independently in her own home. Then she had a stroke. While on the rehab ward, she gave up on everything. Stopped eating, drinking and communicating. It was horrific.

She ended up going into a Private Hospital (nursing home) as she was not doing anything. We'd visit her, and there'd be nothing. No eyes open, nothing. I got very angry with her, I couldn't believe that this woman who had survived so much could just give up. Anyway, one day, I did get through to her, and she started to open her eyes and interact with us again. There's a horrible long story with all of this, and I thought that I'd never see my Nana again, just the husk of a human.

As you can see, I do have my Nana back. She's now in a residential home, and gets out and about fairly regularly. We met her and my parents at a cafe this afternoon. She's not quite the same as she was, but there's enough of her there.

As usual, the first thing she said when we gave her a present was "oh you shouldn't have bothered" in a supremely resigned voice. But I want to bother. I adore her, pure and simple.

My Nana has brought a lot of joy into my life. She's been my friend and confidante. She's been my cheerleader. She's sat on the sidelines of so many pools and parks. She's been to many movies she hasn't ever wanted to see. All to spend time with me (and my brother).

Here's to 89! You stubborn, cranky, hilarious, loving old biddy. xx

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