Only One Bloom

Jamie stopped by bright and early to return the pans we used to make their meals. Hopefully, Renee will be able to navigate the stairs this week. Hubby was up and gladly accepted a dozen fresh eggs Jamie shared with us. His father raises chickens. The weather was pretty nice today. We could have used a bit of sunshine to go with the warmer temps. It was gray and overcast. But I am certainly not complaining. We could be in Turkey. God bless those folks. What a terrible situation there. We got several more little jobs accomplished. I restrung the stained glass ornaments and hung them on the French door, did laundry, cleaned where needed and caught up with a few magazines. Finally cleaned the bedroom where I had temporarily stored all the Christmas boxes, paper, etc. It felt amazing and freeing to have that behind me and it took less than an hour. Call me the great procrastinator!! Hubby replaced the plexiglass I broke on the bird feeder. He completed and submitted our taxes, worked on other paperwork, cleaned the printer heads, etc. When I went downstairs to locate the plexiglass, I noticed this violet is now blooming. Love its color. Kristen sent us home with lasagna soup so no cooking required tonight. Looking forward to Kindle time. Hoping your day was as productive as ours. Thanks for stopping by. Stay safe.
“Just living is not enough... One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower.” - Hans Christian Andersen

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