Pictorial blethers

By blethers

Same moon

I'm sure I don't need to summarise how I spent today, but I'll do so, really briefly: shiver in the chill of daybreak, start washing holiday clothes, decide too damp to dry outside so festoon drying stand and hangers dangling from the loft ladder (needs must.) (Go to physio - you might not have predicted that). Short walk, dinner (chilli from the freezer), prepare for choir, sing Leonard Cohen (Back on Boogie Street - very appropriate!) Toast and marmalade as soon as I've written this ...

And on the way home I took that photo of the moon over Dunoon, with the bulk of St John's Church on the left and the line of the Burgh Hall between me and Argyll Street. You can just make out the Firth of Clyde beyond that. It's the same moon as sailed above our hotel gardens two nights ago, but it looks different. There's a slight haze in the air, a whisper of sea fog, and it's 6ºC, but there's no wind and it feels very peaceful. I try to make myself feel like a visitor, seeing this with the eyes of a stranger, but I fail.

Toast and marmalade it is then.

I've been a bad blip-follower for the past week, but I've also been poor at keeping up the Pilates. I'll be back just as soon as I've finished unpacking. Promise ...

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