Following on

Sometimes you wish that what you see could be converted  exactly into a photograph.   

Alas that rarely happens.

I was on the seafront in Dunoon facing into the strong westerly wind, when I saw the "Corusk" coming along the Clyde.    In weather like this the Rothesay / Wemyss Bay service sometimes diverts to Gourock and that was what was happening this morning.

Surprisingly, though, the Dunoon/ Gourock service, operated by the Argyll Flyer on this occasion, was still running and it crossed the firth and then followed the other vessel , no doubt taking advantage of whatever shelter the south bank , and the point where the Cloch lighthouse sits, gave. 

They kept their distance though, which is why this picture is long and thin and doest really do full justice to the sight (particularly for a ferry nut like me) which was also a little more grey in reality, given the cloud cover and sea spray. 

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