
Today we had time to do a short drive by a car.

We headed towards eastern Helsinki, Kallahdenniemi. It's located about 15 kilometers from us. Kallahdenniemi is an esker peninsula and underwater sandbank.

On Kallahdenniemi esker you can see, how our soil's essential features have been shaped by the ice age more than 10 000 years ago. Kallahdenniemi esker is part of the national esker conservation programme and offers spectacular views of the kind that you cannot find anywhere else in Helsinki (https://www.myhelsinki.fi/fi.).

There are two conservation areas in Kallahdenniemi: Kallahdenharju, i.e. Kallahti esker, and Kallahdenniemi coastal meadow. We parked in the Kallahdenniemi beach, near the latter, the coastal meadow, where the Extra picture are from. The main is taken on the way to the beach. I couldn't go further on the beach without my rollator that I didn't take with me for the short time. Must come back another time in spring by taxi with the moped to be able to explore the area more. The time in the past we were spending time here I hadn't the moped yet to get around.

Very very long time ago we went there in summer a few times to sunbathe on the beach and once in very cold winter weather for a picnic. It's a very low sandy beach far away.

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