
It's been a bit of a glum day today, though I did manage to fill up the new bird feeder and get it out at lunch.  We are going to need to find a hook for it to find a branch strong enough to hold it with it's fancy cage!

P's had a busy week doing college related things in the evening and I've been keeping myself busy reading the stories on Disappearing Glasgow which chart the changes to Glasgow's skyline and communities which have happened in recent decades.  Found it after a conversation at work where a colleague was speaking about the last residents of the Red Road flats who they knew - see the story in 'The bird man of Red Road'.  It's pretty powerful stuff and the website is worth checking out for any blipper. 

Also found something interesting on google maps - if you put street view on Red Road, you can see the cleared site where the flats once were.  If you go on to Red Road Crescent, you can still see the flats in part demolished state, giving a sense of the size and what they looked like at that point. Even better, go round the corenr an Petershill Drive and you can go back in time to when the flats were still lived in.  Makes me wonder if google are deliberatley preserving a bit of history, or if it's just that they can't send a car down that road anymore. 

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