New Adventures

By P1nkdragen

Spaghetti bolognope

My day is pretty much summed up by starting tea, after a mini-meltdown caused by I-don't-know-what-to-eat and then feeling pleased with myself as spag bol would be a good option.  Fried all the veg, put the pasta on, started simmering the ve and realised I'd forgotten the mince.  Plus we didn't really have much mince left in the freezer.  Ah well. 

Busy day at work and my intentions to fill up the new bird feeder mum and dad had bought us and put the washing out and play some guitar got completley smashed by jobs which needed doing before the end of the day.  I'm looking forward to some time off!

Desperate blip of the piggy bank tonight.  Not sure if there's anything in piggy's belly, but it's still cute and colourful.

Edit: Today's episode of the Skewer does a pretty funny skit with Liz Truss' sorry excuses for why being a terrible prime minister wasn't her fault mixed with some very sweary Happy Valley clips.  Made me laugh.

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