The Cockpit

A guided tour of the Shakespeare North Playhouse this morning, which fitted in conveniently with hospital visiting times this afternoon. I learnt a lot, and it was fascinating going behind the scenes. They are obviously delighted at having won the accolade of Theatre Building of the Year 2023 at last month’s The Stage Awards. They’ve only been open 7 months.

The main blip is of part of the interior of the Cockpit Theatre, constructed of English Oak - all from Berkshire. There is a play on this evening - Strange Truths. Today was my opportunity to see the interior, going to any performance ( here or elsewhere) remains out of the question.

I like the way in which art pieces have been commissioned to tell the story of the theatre and town. There is a lot of steel sculpture by Brian Fell, which I really like. So in the extra, Henry VI’s crown. That has two connections. He gave Prescot to Kings College Cambridge, which he founded, to help fund the establishment and maintenance of the College. That is why Prescot’s coat of arms is the same as Kings College, and why if a new vicar is required at the parish church of St Mary’s the appointment even today has to be endorsed by Kings College Chapel. And the future Earl of Derby’s troop of actors, Strange’s Men, are known to have performed Shakespeare’s Henry VI Part 1 at the Rose Theatre in Southwark in1592. .

Prescot was an important market town in the sixteenth and into the seventeenth century. Its parish was large, extending from Ormskirk to the Mersey. A nearby place was originally known as Liverpool near Prescot.

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