Natur ac esgeulustod

Natur ac esgeulustod ~ Nature and neglect

“This is the true joy of life, the being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one; the being a force of nature instead of a feverish selfish little clod of ailments and grievances complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you happy.”
― George Bernard Shaw

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Heddiw, aeth Nor’dzin a fi am daith cerdded ar hyd y hen gamlas. Yn ogystal â mwynhau golygfeydd a synau natur roeddwn ni tynnu ffotograffau - gyda'n camerâu ar ‘gosodiad â llaw’ - roeddwn ni'n dilyn y wers diweddara o'n cwrs ffotograffiaeth.

Mae'r gamlas wedi bod allan o ddefnydd am flynyddoedd - ers cyn i mi gael fy ngeni. Rhai ohoni hi yn nawr i lawr y A470 - drasiedi, i fy meddwl.  Gwnes i ddechrau meddwl am ‘esgeulustod’. Roeddwn i'n meddwl am esgeulustod fel rhywbeth drwg, ond pan mae lleoedd yn cael eu hesgeuluso mae natur yn gallu dychwelyd.  Ar law arall pan ddydy lleoedd ddim yn cael eu hesgeuluso rydyn ni'n adeiladu ffyrdd ar eu pennau.  Ar hyn o bryd, mae'r cyngor yn torri hen goed i lawr i adeiladu canolfan cancr (roedd lleoedd gwell ar ei gyfer). Felly, yn lle dioddef gydag esgeulustod, mae'r coed wedi diflannu'n llwyr. Felly nawr rydw i'n eithaf o blaid esgeulustod.

Mwynheuon ni ein taith cerdded ac yn ceisio gosodiadau gwahanol ar ein camerâu.  Rydyn ni'n gobeithio i ddychwelyd yn hwyrach yn y flwyddyn i geisio gweld pïod glas y dŵr. Yn gobeithio y bydd y rhan hon o'r hen gamlas yn dal i gael ei hesgeuluso.

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Today, Nor'dzin and I went for a walk along the old canal. As well as enjoying the sights and sounds of nature we were taking photographs - with our cameras on 'manual' - we were following the latest lesson from our photography course.

The canal has been out of use for years - since before I was born. Some of it is now under the A470 - a tragedy, to my mind. I started thinking about 'neglect'. I used to think of neglect as something bad, but when places are neglected nature can come back. On the other hand when places are not neglected we build roads on top of them. At the moment, the council is cutting down old trees to build a cancer center (there were better places for it). So, instead of suffering with neglect, the trees have completely disappeared. So now I'm pretty much in favor of neglect.

We enjoyed our walk and trying different settings on our cameras. We hope to return later in the year to try and see the kingfishers. Hopefully this part of the old canal will still be neglected.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Pren hollti hen glwyd loc camlas
Description (English): Split wood of an old canal lock gate

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