Red breasted merganser

We dropped a friend off at the coach stop as he is flying off to New Zealand this evening. He was rather concerned that another cyclone is due to hit North island in the next couple of days. On returning home we did the green waste run. Where does it all come from. You would think we had acres of land. 
This afternoon we did our weekend walk along the river Otter to the mill at Otterton and back. The new road which has been built for the restoration project looks like it’s going to be tied in next week as the old road is going to be closed overnight next week each evening. They have taken down our old bird hide but it’s going to be replaced. I have to give credit to my husband for spotting this duck which I believe is a female red breasted merganser, the first time we have seen one of these on the river. It didn’t have a mate. A good six miles walked today and brighter this afternoon than it was first thing when it was damp and chilly. 

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