Margaret Montgomery

Today's the day ......................... to meet again

I told you the story of how we came to see the portrait of Margaret Montgomery (nee Drennan) a couple of years back?  Well. there's a new exhibition on at present in the Kirkcudbright Art Gallery that features some of the hundreds of works of art in the Stewartry Museum Collection - and I'm pleased to say that Margaret's portrait is one of them.  

Also on display, as you can see above is Margaret's uniform that she wore as a Red Cross Nurse.  As I said before, she was one of the first people to enter the concentration camp Bergen-Belsen shortly after its liberation in April 1945.  She worked at the camp for 18 months helping to bring those so close to death, back to health.  What she saw and experienced can hardly be imagined.  The portrait was painted in gratitude by one of the liberated prisoners, 30-year old Piri Hevizi.  It eventually found its way to Kirkcudbright because that is where Margaret spent the latter part of her life.

It was very nice to come face to face with her again today ....................

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