
The snowdrop display alongside the cycle/foot path is wonderful again this year…there are hundreds, maybe thousands, of flowers spread up the embankment. They are fairly thinly spread, but there is a lot of leaf litter amongst them and a wide angle view doesn’t really do them justice! So I have picked out a small section around the base of a tree..which shows them on the slope behind.

Another 3+ mile walk with the hounds…again they have been asleep pretty much for the last six hours!! They will be glad to get home at the weekend for a rest!!

Difficult to manage a ‘big camera’ while trying to keep the dogs under control….so I may just have to use the LX5 (which will slip in a coat pocket) or maybe the phone this week.

Also managed to grab a daffodil shot, these are just growing near to a road..see extra.

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