Cicada shell

Cicadas are the loudest insects in the world, reaching up to 120 decibels. There are over 200 species in Australia. The commonest variety from some of my childhood summers was the green grocer. Any kid who found a black prince was admired by the others. 

Adult cicadas live only for a few weeks, long enough to mate and for the female to deposit her eggs in a plant stem. The hatched nymphs fall to the ground and burrow, living underground for 6-7 years, feeding on plant root sap and shedding their skin as they grow. At full size they dig their way out and shed for the last time. I found this shell in the garden (main). Amazing how they get out without breaking it. There's a video of one doing it in the link below. I love the bit when it opens its wings.

Extra: from my own true love. Happy Valentine's Day to those of you who celebrate it.

Thanks for hosting Debbi.

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