Not So Romantic

Under the arches just off Giraldo Square in Évora, which have recently been cleaned of some of the whitewash to reveal older painting. With a bit of red for Valentine's Day, and my very own Valentine with a rucksack on his back.

Though Saint Valentine (either of them) probably had no connection to romance at all until Chaucer connected them in his "Paliament of Fowles", though even then, it probably wasn't on the 14th of February. 

Oh well, we had a meal out on our way back from Évora, and shared a romantic-ish dessert.

- Mike getting an extension to the permission to drive until he gets his actual licence (wouldn't it be sensible to give the bloomin' thing for long enough to actually send him his licence, or maybe even send him the licence??)
- totally accidentally meeting Padre Luís in Évora (amazing and lovely coincidence) and having a coffee together
- wonderful good news for our Peruvian colleague, undeserved grace, so happy for her

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