Picket line

I've been walking past it - definitely not across it - for a while now.

Uncle has always been almost entirely oblivious to his surroundings and the rest of the family are pretty laissez-faire about how he lives his life. But when the care home phoned about the moth-eaten state of his jumpers I was embarrassed into action. I bought him four on spec after work today and took them to him to choose from. I was surprised that he chose to keep all four and that I was able fairly easily to hide the one he'd just taken off and the two that I retrieved from his chest of drawers. They all went into a bin on my cycle ride back home. He'll have entirely forgotten about them tomorrow.

Another friend of his was visiting at the same time as me and was rather taken by a less holey one, bought back when Marks and Spencer were proud to claim that 99% of their clothes were still made in the UK. She took that one away to put in her freezer to kill the moth eggs.

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