
The forecast was for a sunny day (it proved to be a little off the mark), so I decided to visit Martin Mere this morning. It’s half term, so I arrived before it opened - it was quiet, just a few serious birders. They are easily identified by their big lenses and scopes, and their habit of wearing camouflaged clothing.

There are two winter visitors whose calls I particularly like at this time of the year. The whooper swans honk raucously, chattering within family groups and between neighbours. And then there is this duck, the wigeon. Their whistling carries a long way and is so evocative of wetland areas like this in winter.

Leaving around midday it was getting a lot busier as families arrived. Lots for kids to enjoy.

An extra. Returning to the hospital after my walk between visiting times I was struck by the sci-fi sky, so took a few quick photos.

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