
By Anniemay


'Collection or Group'. That's another tricky one for me. I don't really collect things and it's hard to come up with a group of things if you haven't collected them! Although I suspect all you clever people out there will prove me wrong and come up with brilliant suggestions for this challenge topic.

The only thing I have a lot of is pencils. I used to bring one back for each of my children whenever I went anywhere without them. Pencils were always useful for school so I think they kind of appreciated it. When they left home I carried on doing it but their expressions got more and more weary as I went to more places without them and they no longer had essays to write or maths problems to jot down. I eventually, probably to their great relief, stopped giving them. However, I must have been buying pencils for so long I can't go into a gift shop without buying one. It's become a reflex and sometimes I swear I don't even know I've done it. Suddenly there in my hand is a pencil in a gift bag!!

Anyway the result of my pencil buying habit now occupies a large pot in my study. It seems to have become, wait a minute.............................a collection. Oh no I collect pencils!! I'm a pencil collector!!!

Excuse me now while I go off and put them back in their pot in order with their logos facing out and all the same way up!!!

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