What Lurks Beneath

I had Friday scheduled as a vacation day, and the weather turned out to be absolutely gorgeous: sunny and warm. So we went for our first swim at Bald Eagle State Park and hiked the butterfly trail.

The butterfly trail winds its way along a small pond. On this day, the pond was hopping and splooshing with amphibians. I saw flashes of bright red, as several red-winged blackbirds flew past.

At the far end of the pond, I spotted my first dragonfly of the year! And then I noticed another detail: lurking beneath the lily pad the dragonfly was sitting on was a hungry salamander, waiting for its next meal. (Yes, salamanders do eat dragonflies, but tender readers, rest assured that no dragonflies were actually harmed during the time I was there.)

It reminded me of that scene from the movie Jaws, where Brody, Quint, and Hooper are engaging in drunken revelry while the shark sneaks up on them and begins to attack their boat. So today's music/video is the one-minute clip from the film where they sing the song: Show Me the Way to Go Home . . .

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