At the Garden Centre.

As it is Thursday, we went out this afternoon to Pacific Nurseries Garden Centre as usual to meet up with my friend Bobbie.
It feels much more springlike today, with less of a cold wind after lunch.
The main photo is the glass top of a patio table I spotted just before we came home.
Bobbie is really keen to read sentences I write for her in a hard-backed fairly wide lined exercise book. So I take one with me and she has one of her own which I gave to her which I’ve used with her. She takes it home and reads it again.
I noticed that the goldfinches are now around, and one of them was on the nyger seed feeder in the garden this morning, along with the nuthatch who is a regular visitor to the other mixed seed feeders. He takes his seed on to a perch or branch.
I think there is a robin once again checking out the climbing hydrangea on the porch wall where there is an old nest.
The blackbirds also have an one in there too, but I haven’t seen any signs of either of our residents inspecting the place.
I’ve more or less now sorted out the last of the birthday flowers. They’ve all done so well, but it was time for them to be put into the compost bin.
In the meantime my Amaryllis is growing taller and taller each day and the flower bud fatter and fatter, on the front room windowsill.
I can’t remember which colour it will become, so it will be a surprise!
I can hear the gang of sparrows just in the ivy on the porch, having a noisy interlude!
They are such sociable groups.
I won’t dwell on the news, which is desperately sad, except to say that I join with others in praying that aid will get in to Syria in particular eventually, and that the young mother who has gone missing in Lancashire will be found.

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