A slight mistake

Today consisted of dog walk, breakfast, dog walk round Newbattle Abbey, lunch, crochet, drive to Ratho station to drop Mr PHL off to pick up the car, home to make lamb hotpot, silent screaming, dinner, blip journals and relaxing with a glass of wine.

The silent screaming was because I found a mistake in my blanket. I somehow managed to miss January 27th so all my squares were one out. I couldn’t face trying to unpick all the way back so I’ve just done an extra February 6th (the temperatures were the same). It’s only me that will notice but hopefully I’ll forget!

Had a call from the caravan centre and apparently there may be a slight delay to picking it up as they gave a backlog in the servicing department so we’re waiting on a date. Puts paid to Mr PHL’s plans to collect it next week!

I ordered pegs yesterday to make colour pegs with my wool for future reference so they’re my blip today. Thanks for hosting Ingeborg. I’ve made my choice for MonoMonday but will post results tomorrow.

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