Pymtheg munud i'r pentref

Pymtheg munud i'r pentref ~ Fifteen minutes to the village

“A fresh attitude starts to happen when we look to see that yesterday was yesterday, and now it is gone; today is today and now it is new. It is like that — every hour, every minute is changing. If we stop observing change, then we stop seeing everything as new.”
― Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche

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Yr un olaf am nawr. Rydyn ni'n mynd i ffwrdd am wythnos am encil, felly does dim ffotograffau am sbel. Fydd dim mwy o deithiau cerdded pymtheg munud am wythnos hefyd.

Roedd noson ofnadwy gyda Nor'dzin oherwydd roedd y monitor yn mesur ei phwysedd gwaed bob awr, felly roedd hi'n dioddef o'r amddifadedd cwsg trwy'r dydd heddiw.

Cefais ddiwrnod eithaf prysur. Es i â'r monitor i'r ysbyty a hefyd es i i'r siopau am ychydig o bethau.

Yn ‘Iechyd da’ roedd llawer o bobol yn sgwrsio yn Gymraeg.  Roedd hi'n dda iawn i'w clywed. Roedden i byth yn clywed rhywbeth fel hwn pan roeddwn i'n ifanc. Dechreuodd un hen ddyn yn siarad â mi - yn Gymraeg - ac roeddwn i'n hapus fy mod i'n gallu deall y rhan fwyaf o beth roedd e'n dweud.  Dwedodd e stori o'r hen chwaraewr Rygbi (Jack Matthews, efallai) o'r 40fed a 50fed oedd byw i mewn ei 90au. Pan ofynnwyd iddo'r gyfrinach o'i hirhoedledd dwedodd e "un darn o sinsir crisialu'r dydd". Roedd e'n neis iawn siarad â'r hen ddyn hwn. Dwedodd Alwen wrth mi ei fod e'n fardd. Yn Gymru (ac yn Gymraeg) dyna rywbeth pwysig iawn.

Ar ôl cinio es i allan i'r siopau eto.

Rydyn ni'n mynd i aros gyda ffrindiau am yr wythnos ac roedden ni'n meddwl bydden ni'n rhoi rhai planhigion iddyn nhw ar gyfer eu tŷ a'u gardd. Felly es i'n ôl i'r pentref i brynu rhai o blanhigion. Wrth gwrs cerddais i i'r pentref i weld pa mor bell y gallwn i gyrraedd yn y pymtheg munud cyntaf. Roeddwn i'n hapus i ffeindio y roeddwn i'n gallu cyrraedd siop y cigydd - felly y rhan fwyaf o'r siopau yn y pentref hefyd. Rydw i eisiau mynd a mwy o deithiau cerdded i gwblhau fy map. Mewn theori dylai fod arc weddus wedi'i ganoli ar ein tŷ. Yna rydw i eisiau archwilio'r fro hon ac yn disgrifio fy ninas ‘pymtheg munud’.

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The last one for now. We are going away for a week for a retreat, so no photographs for a while. There will also be no more fifteen minute walks for a week.

It was a terrible night with Nor'dzin because the monitor measured her blood pressure every hour, so she suffered from sleep deprivation all day today.

Cefais ddiwrnod eithaf prysur. Es i â'r monitor i'r ysbyty a hefyd es i i'r siopau am ychydig o bethau.

In 'Iechyd da' many people were conversing in Welsh. It was very good to hear them. I never heard anything like this when I was young. One old man started talking to me - in Welsh - and I was happy that I could understand most of what he was saying. He told a story of the old Rugby player (Jack Matthews, perhaps) from the 40's and 50's who lived into his 90's. When asked the secret of his longevity he said "one piece of crystallized ginger a day". It was very nice to talk to this old man. Alwen told me he was a poet. In Wales (and in Welsh) that is something very important.

After lunch I went out to the shops again.

We are going to stay with friends for the week and we thought we would give them some plants for their house and garden. So I went back to the village to buy some plants. Of course I walked into the village to see how far I could get in the first fifteen minutes. I was happy to find I could get to the butcher's shop - so most of the shops in the village too. I want to go on more walks to complete my map. In theory there should be a decent arc centred on our house. Then I want to explore this area and describe my 'fifteen minutes' city.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Ffotosffer ar Merthyr Road yn Eglwys Newydd
Description (English): Photosphere on Merthyr Road in Whitchurch

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