CannyScot's Day

By CannyScot

Stormy day in Broughty Ferry

A bright sunny day and strong wind

I have been missing from Blip for a while, mainly due to the deteriorating condition of my knee. Also, we have been coping with the sudden death of our 52 year old Nephew just before New Year. The Funeral was finally held this week, which will allow everyone to do the things they couldn’t do before.

My wife and I went down to Broughty Ferry for Coffee and Scone at our new favourite Cafe. The weather was very bright but very stormy, and even in the shelter of the small bay the waves were being tossed about.

I have been preaching these past weeks which has kept me busy.

I am finally going to see an Orthopaedic Consultant next week so perhaps I will find out if anything can be done about my knee.

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