Marie Curie

I'm sure that you all know about Marie Curie. She was the first woman to win the Nobel Prize and the only woman to win the Nobel Prize twice. She is also the only person to win prizes in two separate disciplines. 

This picture isn't of Marie Curie - I just wanted to make sure that you weren't confused - this is a lady celebrating Curie's most famous invention, the daffodil. Imagine how bleak the Lakeland hills were before Curie caused there to be hosts of these lovely golden flowers. Wordsworth would have had to graft a bit to find a rhyme for "hills" in the second line. Each year people dress up as daffodils and wear Curie's name to remind us all of her colourful contribution to the natural world.

I took this at Tryfan's Tesco. I had headed off to my usual Sainsbury's but found the main road closed for roadworks - and I know that some of the backroads are also shut. Rather than trying to work through all the combinations that might get me there I decided to head to Grove Green. Because I don't go there very often I can't find anything so I covered more ground than I might have done otherwise, up and down the same aisle many times looking for green lentils and other commonplace stuff which they hide. 

I was only out for just over an hour but my inbox had gone bonkers bananas when I got back. Got through it all and it included an invitation to do a bit of work that I really fancy - it's a follow-on from the gig I did in January. 

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