Blue Hamish

By BlueHamish

This town is coming like a ghost town ...

By The Specials

This picture is of the cemetry next to the church in Hitchin town centre. Went there for breakfast today (the town, not the cemetry), and whilst it still retains all of its old world charm, I was surprised at the number of shops that have closed down. A definite sign of the times. This is the 2nd weekend in a row that I've been out for breakfast and both places were doing a roaring trade, so it seems that the recession is not affecting our love of the great British breakfast.

On Tim's recommendation, we popped into an Italian coffe shop/deli. We were only browsing. The food on offer was limited but did look lovely and very authentic. What was really nice was that there were 5 olod men sat at a table sipping espressos and chatting animatedly in Italian. To add an added touch of authenticity to the whole thing, they all had that very rugged mediteranean look of men who had spent a lot of time outdoors. If I wasn't such a wimp I would have asked if I could photograph them.

Glad it stayed dry today. Gave me a chance to cut the grass. If the weatherman is right, tomorrow would have been too late.

Diana brought herslf Les Miserables on DVD when we went shopping today, so I guess that is my evening mapped out. Just about to go and braise some red cabbage which I'm having with polenta and Merguez sausages. Cheese and crackers to follow with a glass of red wine. Mmmm ...

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