Certainly Uncertain

By shyBadger

Heaven or Hell ...

Let's Rock! On our morning walk Friday, I came across a Luna Moth (Actias luna)who was not so great at this whole flying thing. So I took him home in my treat bag for a little photo shoot. (I am assuming he was a male due to the giant antennae he possesses, seriously, look at those things! Great for collecting pheromones, if you know what I mean!). I've found a couple of Luna moths in the past as well and one GIANT lady Antherea Polyphemus July of last year - see that entry! So you know, I am a giant moth expert at this point ;)
Corra was fascinated by every movement he made and wanted very badly to put him in her mouth >:[ But any time he'd crawl over to her or try and climb on her, she'd try and move away as fast as possible. Kind of like those cartoons where ladies freak out about mice. Moths are Corra's mice I suppose. At least the giant ones. Loki couldn't care less what the moth was doing and let it crawl all over him, as long as he didn't touch Loki's ears. Those are sensitive thank you very much. So yea, I was enthralled by a moth for a couple of hours ... I put the moth out on my porch later where he took a little nap under my strawberry plants and at some point, before the evening, must have flown off to find a lady Luna Moth. Best of luck to you moth man, and thanks for scaring Corra!

Enjoy your weekend blippers!

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