
By Marionb

Here's Looking at You....


Maggie spends a lot of time looking and imagining, but never catching! Her window seat has the perfect view - three bird feeders out front and shrubbery next to the window where flocks of birds like to perch, congregate, and hide from the elements...When the bird scene is quiet, she snoozes; when it is active? She is on the alert, all a-quiver, frozen in position to leap and pounce...but alas..all for nought... all those instincts wasted...But she is entertained and that is good. Life as an indoor cat can be such a bore!

It seems that I was on the same wave length as Maggie today...on the look out...and hoping to capture! 

First, there was the hawk. Now that I know he hangs out around here a lot, I am always checking the trees and fences for him..peering out the patio doors and out the window over the sink..I leave the pocket camera sitting right next to the patio doors just in case...and there he was today! perched in my neighbour's tree - not too high up and very close by...But, of course, he heard me slip the latch on the patio door and off he went...Drat! 

But...I did catch Mr Cardinal being eyed by Mr. Sparrow as they reluctantly shared space on one of the feeders..Gotcha! 

And then? Driving home from the hairdresser's, I spied Mr. Raccoon feasting on garbage on the side of the broad daylight! Got him too - and he was not happy about it!  If looks could kill...the little devil, giving me the evil eye when he knew darn well he was not up to anything good..

So, there was a whole lot of looking going on today..and a little bit of catching too.....

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