Following the plough

They weren’t really, they were following the harrow. It’s a sight not seen very often now as deep ploughing is less common.

We had a fine walk around the Chidham Peninsula part of the Chichester Harbour AONB. The tide was in when we started, filling all the channels. By the time we’d finished the scene was so different with mudflats and marshes all around. The whole area reminds us very much of the creeks and marshes of the North Kent coast.

Quite by chance we came across a pub towards the end of the walk called the Old House at Home. It would have been rude not to call in, so we did and it’s was a great choice. Good local beer and excellent sandwiches and a ploughman’s.

This evening we went to the Forest Folk Club to see Richard Digence. And what a fine evening he gave us, humorous, poignant, catchy, singalong songs which was throughly entertaining.

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