
By HareBrain


Hand-made by many of the lovely ladies of the Church in the Parish I live in. They had their annual Fete today and Alison, very near neighbour, asked me if I would pop along and take some photos - I wasn't feeling too crash hot this morning but wrenched myself out of bed and popped along - Unfortunately I couldn't go to the Fete itself as had to be in Rugeley at lunchtime so only caught the setting-up process but as Alison asked me to specifically take photos of the loads and loads of hand-made bunting everywhere - I did!!

Because I wasn't so good this morning Mr T was kind enough to accompany me to Rugeley to attend a Coeliac conference and roadshow; now wasn't he so kind but he said he was glad to have been there as it helped him to understand so much more about what being a coeliac is all about -mind you, he's already a dab hand at baking the GF bread for me - he can be a little angel ..... at times?!!

Thank you so much all of you who commented on my little milestone yesterday, you all give me such support and kind comments - couldn't do without you.

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