Shopping off the internet

I had success growing lilies in pots last summer and wanted to do more this year. I bought some bulbs online and succumbed to the idea of a ‘Lily pot’ without checking the measurements.  It is flipping huge!  My lilies did fine last year in a deep but relatively normal size pot so what am i to do with this? I couldn’t even lift it to move it away from the door so it will sit there until V is free with a wheelbarrow.  

Of course I went on to the website and checked and was somewhat relieved to see they’d sent me the larger size even though I paid for the smaller so I can tell them but will they come and pick this up? I doubt it!

Sometimes internet shopping is fantastic.  Sometimes it isn’t. 

Very busy day with stuff from production flying at us and another show needing notes and to go into the broadcaster.   

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