Down the Pub

Yet another sociable day!

Mike went off early to help Paul and Enzo replace a lady's window. Mike and I then walked to the Drews for coffee and cake, and great conversation. 

And then we all piled into the car from Paul's work, and he drove us off to the pub in West Brom that Sam used to go to with his Dad before West Brom matches, on the strength of a great review from Jay Rayner in The Guardian. It was indeed fantastic food, and we all ate our fill.

Tonight, we've been babysitting. Mike made pancakes, including a flambé one for himself (extra); Paul and I too full for even one, sadly - they looked good. I read too long to the kids, don't tell their parents, but the lights weren't out by eight...

- superb south Asian food
- the family humouring my desire to go eat at The Sportsman Club
- sharing a good eucatastrophe story with Zion and Allegra

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