Live it loud!

By Lostpixel

The fob watch

Have done lots of macro images over the years, but, I've frequently been not entirely happy with composition. Some thing I couldn't quite work out why.

I have mostly used a 100mm macro lens which is superbly sharp. Today, I went in a different direction. A completely different direction.
I put a 12mm extension ring on my 16-35mm zoom and had a play. This created a whole different perspective. 

The watch is a family heirloom that has a desperately tragic story attached to it. It cost the life of a distant relative. The watch itself was originally bought by my dad's great uncle in around 1924. In of itself, the watch has a great story. But, along the way down to me it caused great family heart-ache over 50 years ago. 
I have photographed it a number of times but never had a pleasing image of it. I think I may have got there today. Photographed at 26mm f4.5.

The extra is the dwarf daffodils that burst into life over the last couple of days. They are barely 3" tall, but, this wide-angle macro shot taken at 33mm at f11 gives them a nice context that a straight macro shot doesn't give. 

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