Nassauplein, Den Haag

'Plein' = 'plaain' (and definitely not 'plane') = (city) square or plaza
'Den Haag' literally means 'of or from the hedge'.  Den Haag is the political capital of the country.  Its official name is a mouthful -- 's-Gravenhage = 'the hedge of the counts', referring, of course, to the powerful aristocratic families of the counts of the provinces of North and South Holland.

The embassy is located on the street perpendicular to this one, about half a mile away on foot.  Why, then, did I park here?  Well, the parking meter nearest to my destination is just a little to my right in this picture, but not visible.

Indeed, because I had already left the affidavit at the consular department yesterday, I had to return today just to pick it up.  This was followed by a 2-hour traffic jammed drive back, and I headed straight for the DHL office and sent it to the Viking.  I had seriously contemplated passing by a windmill as there were some very motivational patches of blue in the sky, and they were quite large, too, as you can see, but the clouds were very fast in closing these blue holes.  Other holes would open up but the whole situation was still uncertain and it would have been a waste of effort.  Sunny days coming up, but work commences next week again, so we shall see.

I am clearly getting better but for a stubborn gurgling stream of mucous, which a good night's rest should cure.

Before I forget -- Today marks the first year of the war in Ukraine.  The War of the Stubborn Knucklehead.  He is a crazed maniac, and yet we have no choice but to take him seriously.  TWELVE of his diplomats were expelled by the Dutch government late last week, accused of espionage.  He has sent his ships to our waters to observe how we produce our energy and our navy has chased them away.  They are studying how to sabotage our grid.  All that is going on here has been communicated to our neighbours and they have also been sharing their experiences with us.  Worst of all, our fighter jets have been patrolling our skies, practicing but also guarding against intruders.  I have hardly followed the news these past two years, but it is not hard to find out some things.

And then have you read this?
And here's another!

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