Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli

I took the train from Bedford to St Albans City to see an exhibition of Henry Moore's sketches and drawings of British miners at work during the Second World War. 
I have a life-long friend. We enjoy attending exhibitions of contemporary art, trawling flea-markets and discovering real ale pubs. 
It so happens that St Albans City is the midway point between my home in Bedford and his in South London, and as a first experiment, today turned out fantastically well!
The Henry Moore exhibition is a delight, and so moving!
Anyone complaining about unhappy working situations (me) or the current price of energy (everyone) should really take the opportunity to witness these images of men toiling so hard in such impossible conditions.
Anyone arguing against wind turbines or solar panels ought to spend a day underground in a coal mine.
I was sorry that the gift shop had no affordable take-aways from the exhibition – Shame!
The St Albans Museum & Gallery was obviously the court room once upon a time and my main image is of the cafe, taken from the gallery above.
After we'd seen two art exhibitions and skipped the town history, we ventured out into the rainy market-place where stalls were packing up and other shoppers were sheltering in bookshops.
Part 3 of our normal day out is the food and drink part. Some extras of the fabulous furnishings seen through the window of a Moroccan restaurant. 
St Albans is less diverse and more expensive than either of our home towns and so we skipped that indulgence, found an affordable real ale pub with relatively affordable unimaginative meals and settled for that instead.
A final extra of a glitzy top-hat spotted on my train home.
If you can get to the Henry Moore in St Albans before it closes on 16th April I can highly recommend it. Entry is free for everyone.

Thanks to everyone for your research and advice yesterday :-)
It looks like I'll be having soft-boiled wild-foraged duck-egg for Sunday breakfast
(it's been safely in the fridge since Friday afternoon)

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