Alocasia…Elephant Ear

This is the only picture I took today and I took it because I was trying to identify it. It’s growing underneath our living room windows and it is thriving. Especially considering the fact that it is a tropical plant. I always thought it was a philodendron, but my phone tells me it is an Alocasia, Giant Taro or Elephant Ear. It certainly looks like the ear of a pachyderm but not at all like taro, which grows everywhere in Hawaii. If anybody has any ideas I’d love to hear them.

There’s been no new snow today but what we saw yesterday hasn’t melted which means it’s still pretty cold.

We went dragged ourselves out with Spike for a walk, made it to the end of the road where we checked out the newly paved house on the corner which caused a huge traffic jam of paving trucks, dump trucks, excavators and pick-ups last week. All the trucks are gone now and the driveway looks very nice . Looks like they improved the drainage which can be an issue with water coming down off the hill and all the trucks have departed. The same people are building a pool house which looks bigger than their house.

The plan was to go check in with Paul, but it was cold and we were cold despite jackets gloves and hats, so we turned around and came back and I called him on the phone. He was working in his shop but he was cold too.

We’re all bored but don’t really want to go anywhere. I solved the problem by battling on with my knitting and watching rubbish tv which I practically never do in the daytime unless it’s sports that John is watching, but he was outside tidying up the garden.

The cold wet weather is supposed to continue so we’ll have to bestir ourselves tomorrow and do something….

As for tonight, it’s turn in the fire and pour a glass of wine….

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