
By Catchlightimage

Barbeque or if you are South African....BRAAI

So despite yesterday being the first cycle in 2 years, this morning, we were both fit and ready to venture out on another cycle! We agreed to do pretty much the same route since neither of us wanted to strain any muscles which we re-awakened yesterday with the first cycle!

Arriving back home, hungry and tired, what better way to face the rest of Sunday, than to fire up the "braai" or as any non South African would say, the barbeque!

Quick salads were thrown together, the meat and sausage defrosted, the garlic bread taken out, the wine poured, and finally, the fire was lit!

Seriously, there is nothing finer than lighting a fire, having a chilled glass of wine or beer, and sitting back and enjoying the sound of the wood crackling, and watching the flames dancing!

Looking forward to chatting to you again tomorrow!

Stay safe!


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