
Drying in front of the nuclear power station. A fine walk across the huge pebble expanse, examining all the houses and converted railway carriages, spotting the architect designed houses (no external guttering). It was windy, cold, bleak and pretty wonderful. We walked to the little steam train railway station, sat in the non- windy, warm shop/ cafe and admired all the treasures for sale. Then a quick march into the north -easterly (according to Kate, she always says knowledgable things about the wind) wind to the Snack Shack, outside dining at its finest, for a fine fishy lunch. Then an even quicker march home, no more meandering chit chat, establishing that sadly the RNLI shop was closed en route.

Some time at leisure then with naps and reading. This house has absolutely everything painted- walls, floors, stairs, stair rails, furniture. All in whites and greys. And with a lot of signs of the keep calm and carry on variety.

Then crab and prawn risotto and a variety of salads. I generated fire from a camping stove so Cat could light candles. And then we established her near encyclopaedic knowledge of Soft Cell- she is a proper match for Wikipedia!

Ps and some extras

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