The train

Kate took this, I have shamelessly nicked it because I love it. This was from upstairs in our fully painted house.

We had to get a wriggle on this morning to get our breathworks in before a 10am departure, we had spent all yesterday not doing it. That done, we left Gull House for a much more straightforward journey home. Popping into the lovely sewing shop in Rye en route, obvs. Dogs were welcome so Rosie came in too, she did well out of it- she tried on the dog coat they had made up. We all agreed she could comfortably go up a size so we left with the pattern and poppers. A fine project to use up my bits of fabric.

Home by 1, some light organisation and an afternoon on the sofa. Will has gcse Mocks 2 starting tomorrow, kicking off with Lord of the Flies and poetry at 9am. He turned down my generous offer of reading poetry together this evening but was happy with a pre-exam Chinese takeaway.

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