If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Coal Tit ( Periparus ater )

Yet again the birds weren't cooperating by fluttering about near the feeders.  That is why the shot is on such high shutter and ISO speeds, I was wanting to practice.  No such luck.

The coal Tits move like lightning, out of the bush, garb a seed, and back again.  They almost seem to travel at the speed of light.  As a result I was quite pleased to have caught this one.  The speed is shown by the fact that between me seeing it land and pressing the shutter it had grabbed a black sunflower seed and was on it way again.

The population has been fairly stable since the 1970, not increasing like other tits.  Here are approximately 660,000 territories each summer (a territory is usually held by a male with a nesting partner).

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