Back in the real world

It doesn't take long to get back into the normal Edinburgh routine does it?

'First thing in the morning' trek around the streets on my lead, but we have to say that it was much more enjoyable now the mornings are lighter. I don't think I'm going to have to wear my illuminating collar in the mornings again until next winter.

My human spent the next two hours on the phone to the tax office. Actually that's a lie.................. She wasn't actually on the phone for 2 hours. She spent 2 hours trying to get through. Apparently they're 'experiencing a high level of calls well employ more staff then and most things can be done via our website.' Duh, what Ann wants to do cannot be done via the website. That's why she's phoning. It's so frustrating!! You can't even hold on and wait on the line..................... They just cut you off. What kind of service is that?

Went for a 45 min walk late morning and this time I was off my lead for some run about time. I was a bit naughty. I did 'silly puppy jumping' up at two people for absolutely no reason at all. One of them gave me treats and told me I was really pretty. Mmmmmm............... Ann was already in a bad mood, so she said, 'Trixie, just sit next to these lovely snowdrops, to be Blipped, and then you're going back on your lead because I really can't cope with your bad behaviour today. …...........That is why you've got a photo of me sitting next to snowdrops?!!

Ann went to work 1-5pm and when she came home she tried to phone the tax office again. This time she got a message saying, 'Our service is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later.' #whatashambles

Went for another little trek around on my lead but OMG, isn't it cold in Edinburgh?

So here we are...................... back in our normal routine. I've had my dinner and am snoozing in my little bed and Ann is going to spend the evening watching Corrie & Eastenders. 


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