Coffee with the Flums

Look who I met this morning................. Mr & Mrs Flumgummery. We went to the 'Leaf & Bean' coffee shop. I haven't seen them since I was a weeny, teeny, little puppy and Ann was stressing about my toilet training. 

Obviously, I had to have a little pep talk before I went, but I think I was reasonably well behaved. The trouble is; because I'm so irresistibly gorgeous, everyone wants to make a fuss of me. And once one person makes a fuss of me, I always feel as if I need to approach others so that they get the opportunity to do the same. Lol!

Mrs Flum had brought me some treats, but trying to get me to sit nicely whilst I was Blipped with her was a bit problematic, so this is the best we could do.

Lovely to see you today Mr & Mrs Flum. x

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