My Best Efforts - Year 3


The Best Laid Plans.......

..............went well astray! I intended to visit one of the Lincolnshire Open Gardens - I woke early (6.15am) - and it was a beautiful morning. Ablutions and breakfast done with, I looked out of dining room at my little garden - oh dear, what a lot needed to be done there. It's what I call a "piggle poggle" garden - i.e. things grow where they want - in other more acceptable terms, "old fashioned cottage! Got my Open Gardens booklet out - hooray, the garden I was going to visit is open next Friday too! That decided the matter - MY garden today and a day out on Friday!!
Got my few tools etc out and started work about 9.15 - did quite a lot of cutting back, weeding and generally tidying up.
Had a couple of coffees and biscuits (cookies). When I next looked at the clock, guess what - it was 4.0pm!!! - and I hadn't Blipped. - John, my next door neighbour, has a very nice White semi-double Clematis growing over an arched seat - so that was that and here it is!!! It COULD be one called Snowbird but as they are away for the weekend, I couldn't ask.
(I didn't trespass - we go into each others front gardens freely - they to pick mint or rosemary - me to take photos!)
So that was my day and as it does takes me quite a lot longer to do things these days - I'm quite pleased with my efforts. I can see s real difference. Now to cook the Sea Bass my Son-in-Law sent me yesterday.

Weather been really good all day with the temperature at around the 16/17 deg C - just right for working in!

Hope you have enjoyed your day as much as I have - quite tired but very fulfilled.

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