The Duke of Newcastle quote…

This is one of several benches at the NT garden Claremont in Esher. 
“ how well Claremont agreed with me that my Friends MUST come down”.  He was second owner of the estate from 1714-1768 and also the original house ( this was rebuilt and then sold is now used for a school) . He was also Prime Minister twice! 
It looks as if this bench is being repainted but not that well and what will happen re the quotes! There are at least 6 benches which have quotes on them…one if from Queen Victoria who often stayed there as a girl. 

There are still lots of snowdrops there and also lots of daffodils. We also saw lots of pairs of Canada geese and Egyptian geese who were making lots of noise…the mating season begins! The water level in the lake has risen so much since last summer that the little island where coots usually nest seems to have gone.. maybe submerged? 
It usually takes about 15-20. Inures to drive there…today it was 56 minutes as we had to do a large detour as Hampton Court Bridge was closed…at least 6 police cars…not sure what had happened.

A very grey day and bitterly cold again.

I did sort out some primroses and bulbs on the balcony which I had bought yesterday. Also some sewing, more of the sampler which I am making after going to a course last week. The stitches are so small it takes ages.

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