Emergency Charlie Blip!

Thank you for all your good wishes for today :)

My day started at a quarter to four and I couldn't sleep again, so its been a very long day..

The taxi picked me up on time, and I was at work before 8am, so at least I was ready..  But my boss was caught in traffic, so we started late...

We were still moving furniture when the first people for the meeting appeared which was quite ridiculous really.

Anyway, my boss and I made it teamwork, with no thanks to someone from another team who should have been assisting today, but didn't seem to be bothered!

After the event finished and we'd cleared and tidied up, my Boss kindly told me I could go home.  So I got home at about 4pm after taking another taxi (interestingly it was my usual company and the charge was a good £5 less than the one I had to use this morning!).

I've taken strong painkillers and am resting this evening..  Just wished I'd got a more simple dinner tonight,, but I wasn't prepared in advance and have little in the freezer as I'm trying to get to defrost it.

Tomorrow is another day, and I'm glad I'm working from home again as I didn't get a single job of my own done today, I was just supporting all the people at the away day!  I do enjoy it, but its worn me out...

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