
I got an email the other day telling me that Ben Folds is coming to town and playing at the Usher Hall in November so I made an executive decision to buy tickets. Ary and I have been going to see him live for years now and I figured it was far enough in advance to be a surprise.

Happy with my purchase, I felt Ary could do with cheering up so I told him on Friday. I was right… it really did cheer him up and that made me super happy.

I came home tonight to this little card in the post. It was sent from a third party well known website that’s not on the high street (see what I did there?!) which was a lovely surprise for me too. More so when I saw what he’d made the seller write inside! Ha!

Long day today though but a lovely event and the people there appreciated my efforts. Had a chair to collect for Netherbyres to add to the queue so I did that and dropped it off at the workshop. Victoria is very accommodating of my collection! Alas more to do for another client after dinner though so no rest for the wicked!

Glad to be home and my kitty is happy to see me too!

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